Nabil Nahra
Senior Advisor

Mr. Nabil Nahra has over 40 years of experience in the Global Marketing field. He is an entrepreneur with an extensive background in a wide range of industries. He is very well experienced in all aspects of the supply chain from sourcing, designing, producing and delivering a family of product lines to his customers globally in the retail sector.
Mr. Nahra specialized in introducing reputable U.S. Companies who are leaders in their industry to foreign markets in such areas as South America and the Middle East region. Also, he assisted foreign companies in entering the U.S. market and establishing distribution channels for their products/services. Such expertise proved to be an asset for his Domestic Clientele especially in launching new products and services.
He currently offers Consulting Services to his clientele in areas of Marketing, Export & Import, and Sourcing. Key areas he specializes in are: Strategy, Branding, Marketing Plan and Financial Analysis. In addition to offering solutions to his clients, he goes a step further from his competition and guides them through the implementation process in all the aspects of their business.
He obtained his college education at State University of New York at Plattsburgh- B.S. in Management, and his MBA at the Lally School of Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Troy, New York. He has been teaching since 2002, at the Graduate and Undergraduate level, in areas of Marketing, Strategy & Entrepreneurship, International Business and Export/Import. He created courses in Export/Import and Entrepreneurship at the Graduate and Undergraduate level for Universities in New Jersey.